NCDXA is please to announce the following 2011 Awards:
Dr. Hrane Milosevic, (YT1AD)
DX-Pedition of the Year Award 2011; Leadership & Youth Development
For Excellence in DX-Pedition Leadership, Team Work and Operational
3D2R- Rotuma Island – October 2011; Outstanding DX-Pedition Operation and Amateur Radio Youth Development Program with Rotuma High School |
QSL information
We continue with sending QSL cards.Till now we have sent more than 4000 QSL cards.
All cards received till December 15th is on the way.
3D2R TEAM wishes to all WW amateurs Marry Christmas and Happy New 2012 year!! |
Our team allredy start QSL distribution of 3D2R QSL cards. We have send from USA all USA QSL cards received till November 15 2011. Other USA QSL card we will send after January 1st 2012. Now we continue with sending QSL cards rest of the world. Allerdy we send 2000 cards and next two month we will send rest.
To make faster distribution we make decision to USA HAMs to send QSL cards for 3D2R only to Dave, WD5COV (David Jorgensen, 18645 Cortez Road Se
Deming, NM 88030). Rest of the world continue to sending to YT1AD address. |
Distribution of 3D2R and 3D2R/MM QSL cards will start on November, 15 2011.
Complete 3D2R and 3D2R/MM LOG is uploaded. |
Our team now is on the way from Rotuma to Suva, the capital of Fiji. We are now 36 hours in our journey from Rotuma to Suva with 12 hours to go before arrival. Our Team is greatly satisfied about our outstanding score, 60.000 QSO’s for 6 days. We are pleasured to announce that the new donated Amateur Radio Station (3D2RI) at the Rotuma High School began operation today, Oct. 6, 2011. We kindly ask amateur radio stations world-wide to make a QSO with members from radio club slowly and with passion. Members of our team made the following donations to Rotuma amateur radio club:
- TS 570 SG transceiver, Hrane - YT1AD
- New A3S Tri-band Antenna with tower, Hrane - YT1AD and 3D2R Team members
- New 200’RG-8X Cable, Hrane - YT1AD and 3D2R Team members
- Switching Power supply 25A/13.8VDC, Paul - N6PSE
- Laptop Computer HP, Aleksey - UA4HOX
- Headphones Heil HC-4 with foot switch, Krassy - K1LZ
- $1,500.00 USD Cash for School Projects, David - K3LP
- 2.000 QSL cards 3D2RI will donated by Atilano - PY5EG
- Equipment for satellite Internet with one year subscription will be donated by Atilano - PY5EG
Once again, thank you for each contact and the pleasure that you have brought from 3D2R activity.
The completed 3D2R LOG will be upload next week.
Press Release #4 from the 3D2R Rotuma DXpedition Team.
Today is the sixth day of our activity. Propagation not so good, but our team continues to work with much pleasure. Current situation is, as you can see on the chart, is about 54.600 QSO`s.
Important: We must finish our activity 12 hours earlier than what was anticipated in our schedule. Our last QSO will be on October 5th at 11:00 GMT. Our expected time of departure will be at 12:00 GMT, October 5th from Rotuma to Suva, Fiji Islands.
We will do our final LOG update upon arrival in Suva, Fiji on October 8th 2011. There shall be no more updates from Rotuma Island after this.
Thanks for all contacts,
Our team is very well. Working with 6 radio's. This afternoon will setup 160 and 60 meters. Last day of our activity is october 6th 02:00 GMT. |
Press Release #3 from the 3D2R Rotuma DXpedition Team.
All 3D2R Team members have now assembled in Suva, Fiji. Upon our arrival, we learned that our shipping container is delayed in New Zealand. Fortunately, the team members have brought radios, amplifiers and antennas with them to Fiji. We will be able to run five stations and emphasize the low-bands as planned.
We are now preparing our ship for our two day voyage to Rotuma. We anticipate arriving in Rotuma late in the evening of September 27th and we expect to be active early on September 28th.
The 3D2R team wishes you good luck and good fun in working us.
Thank you,
The 3D2R Rotuma 2011 Team. |
The team of experienced amateur and friends prepared a serious amateur expedition to the far island Rotuma, which belongs to the state Fiji, but it is very important for the amateur, because it counts as a separate country by DXCC list. Our goal is to activate the beautiful island of Rotuma in all amateur frequency from 1.8 MHz to 144 MHz and all amateur modes. Our team will work CW, SSB, FM, RTTY, SSTV, PSK etc...
The team of experienced amateur and friends will gather at the 24th Fiji September 2011 and expect a departure from the port of Suva 25th In September 2011 around noon. The journey takes 36 hours. We expect the first activity at amateur frequencies on 27th September 2011 and will be active the next 10 days.
Return to Fiji is expected 8.oktobra 2011 in the morning in the same harbor where we came from!!
We hope that the whole amateur world will enjoy the amateur activity and QSO's with our team.
NEXT DXPed in 2012: maybe Conway Reef, 3D2C |