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Name ve3vj joe
Static level very hi but you come thru fine.
Congratulations on your fine operation.
73joe cool

Name Maury, IW2GLO
Hello guys, vy fb operation, yesterday your signal was good on twenty and i see that im on your log! Im vy happy, tnx fer the new one and congratulation agn! 73s

Name Hans DK3PZ
I am qrt at time but very glad to hear you with fine sigs on 20m with an indoor wire; you are doing a very fine job......all the best for the rest time of the dxpedition 73 de Hans smile

Name Terry G4AMT
Great thrill to work you on 80 at 0600 this morning - good signals... and plenty of interest in W Europe around that time - thank you for your perseverence and keep up the great work !

Name Dave G3SBP
That was great operating on 20m this morning giving the G's a chance. We have such a small opening of roughly one hour for the whole day from 0700GMT. A go at RTTY would be really appreciated at the same time tomorrow if possible. Again many thanks from us all.

Name Peter G3RZP
Propagation has proved better than I expected from the predictions If only people would not call you when you've come back to someone else....
I hope you'll accept Euros as welll as dollars....

Name David Rankin 9V1RH.
Hi Guys

Please announce your listening frequency much more often when working split.

Your signals into SEA 9V; 9M; HS & YB/YC usually not strong & high QRN makes copy difficult at times.

Thank you.

David 9V1RH on April 10, 2007.

Name Jim, UW1GZ
Tnx for new one guys! Nice op's, nice signals everywhere... have a good trip home! 73!

Name Gene RZ3CC
Realy nice job ! Congrats to the good CW and RTTY operators !!!
Bravo ! My personal thanks to Hrane YT1AD ! See you in Moscow !
Mny 73 !!!

Name Brian GM0EGI
Thanks for the 20m ssb contact on 10th at 0700 utc.
very short window to this part of the world, great job by the operator.
73 safe trip home

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