- database not required
- allows to delete and edit messages through a web interface (admin only)
- allows for admin to reply messages (admin only)
- parses all HTML tags except: <b>some text</b> <i>some text</i> (can be turned on/off [admin only])
- url's in message http://your.domain or http://your.domain:8080 converted to links http://your.domain (can be turned on/off [admin only])
- splits long words into pieces by nn characters (number of chars can be set through a web interface (admin only))
- breaks message list into pages (number of messages per page is adjusted through a web interface (admin only))
- replaces text smiles with picture icons (e.g. ;) -
or :p - ) (adjustable (admin only))
- filters unwanted words contaning in dictionary (words can be added through a web interface [admin only])
- protection from 'flood'
- ip black banlist (ip can be added through a web interface [admin only])
- optional registration
- copy all files into one directory retaning subdirectories structure
- set permissions to all files by a command "chmod 755 *", read about setting permissions to files in your operating system manual
- set permissions to banned-ip-data.php, content-data.php, dictionary-data.php, settings-data.php with "chmod 666 banned-ip-data.php content-data.php dictionary-data.php settings-data.php users-data.php"
- 'configuration' - select 'time for repeating send message' (by 30 seconds), for protection from 'flood'
- 'configuration' - change color, if needed
- 'configuration' - change color, if needed
- 'configuration' - change password and(or) admin name
- product is positioned as a freeware and supplied "as is"