N8S GuestBook

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Name SV1CER Panos
Greate signal. I remember 3B9C but you are so far.Greate job with
your stations and antenas.First day on 40cw with S5-6
Worked rtty ssb second day.I can't beleive it!!!!!
hope to work you on more bands after, and wait for you from 5W in rtty.

Name Tom Ashworth N5EA
I just wanted to say:

I don't know who is operator is on 12M CW, but he is a great operator.

Thanks for the QSO and the opportunity to hear a master at work.

Tom Ashworth

Name Chuck KB3MMX
Thanks for the 17 Meter contact!


Name Alexzyhfp
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Name WB5RPU Pete
Great to work you on 17M, Dave. Looking forward to seeing my entry in your log, hopefully tomorrow.

Great job and very nice signal. Will look for you guys on other bands.

Very best 73,
Kempner, TX

Name Leonard N9XHU

Thanks for the contact.

Leonard, N9XHU

Name Mike VA6FUN
Thanks David K3lp for the 17M contact with N8S on April 6...my first call using 100W and a Spiderbeam at 35' got through and took me by suprise! Thanks for being there! Keep up the good work...and above all...have \"FUN\"!!!!!!!

73...Mike VA6FUN

Name MrSmirnoff

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Name Paul VK2BPL
Nice Signals, Great Operators

Thanks Fellas


Name Clive GM3POI
Please try to be QRV at of just before your SS on 80m as it coincides with SR here exactly ideal for greyline. i.e. 0530z. 73 Clive GM3POI

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