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Name Juergen, DL8LE
Tnx a lot for listening to weak signals as well. Glad about two qso's with 100 W only, especially for RTTY on 20. Looking forward to see you on 80 and 160 even though it will become very difficult for EU.

Thanks for all your efforts! 73

Juergen, DL8LE

Name Gene UA4RZ
Thanks for few ccjntacts - CW & RTTY - new for my DXCC
Hope to have QSO on each band/
Good luck, parni !!!

Name Hide, JI1AVY
Hi, Wonderful men ! The best thanks for giving me a new one. Although I have just 10w+VRTCL, your ears were great. Signals are clear and stable. -JI1AVY/Hide

Name Gwen, VK3DYL
Hi guys, I have worked you on 3 bands - amazing! However, I would love to work Uti (Rose) for a new YL country. Please, guys, let her out from the kitchen for a while - hi!!!.
88, Gwen

Name N6RC
Krassy/K1LZ, good luck at N8S - I am envious!

ARRL DX SSB in Buenos Aires was great, 279 Q's in 3 hours. Off to Patagonia for 10 days May 4th.

Hope to see you soon, my friend!


P.S. I'll be working you from the new QTH in San Jose!

Well, secund and and its exactly our sunrise/your sunset, you guys working on 14020, 18100, 18075, 14190... Where are the low band active in surise/sunset time? this is the good time for 40/80/160

Dont forget west europe!

73's Filipe CT1ILT

Name Bill W7VP
Great work guys! Looking fopr you on RTTY too. smile

Name Roy N5EYX
You guys are doing a GREAT job. Worked you on 7005 last night and wow, what a mess. I can only imagine what it sounded like on your end. 15 meters was unbelievable today and this evening. Heard you S6 loud and clear around 7pm Texas time (from a dipole). You were still going strong at 9:15 when I got back to the rig. Good news for the expedition and 15.
73 es GL
Roy N5eyx

Name Alan W7AML
Worked you yesterday on 17M but don't see my name in the log?
Very strong signal into Washington State smile

Name Bert H. Cook, K6CSL
Great job! I worked you on 17SSB with my 100 watts and my indoor horizontal wire loop that is fed at its SW corner and beams OC. 73's Bert

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