Frank W6BBS |
Very Class act Dxpedition. Listening to 21.295 right now. Op standing by for those who do not have a contact with Swains. Giving those few a chance is very cool. Great Job to entire crew. Many Thanks
Bob N0ER |
You have the best ears on any DXpedition in recent memory! One of my contacts was at 100mW through a G5RV at 40' (I forgot to reset the power after tuning).
Thanks for great work!
Bob, N0ER |
Rex KC5AGO |
Swain's Island N8S DXpedition 14 Apr 2007 20:23 CDST
So fortunate to make your log on 17 meters this evening. This has been the only band on which I have had success with break-in and contact. Many thanks and good luck with the DXpedition.
\"Wishin' Ya'll\" a safe return home, 73.
Rex KC5AGO Stonewall, Gillespie County, Texas, USA
Clark KE4RQ |
You guys are simply terrific! I'm new at DX chasing and am having the time of my life. The skills of all the operators I have heard are so high I can only dream of them. Well done.Today I tried my last two contacts and believe I was confirmed. Both on 18.155, at 2022Z, I was mobile with 100w. The operator stayed with me and pulled me out of the noise, but I'm not sure he confirmed I was mobile. I'll be sending one of my mobile QSL cards with /m for your confirmation and would appreicate record also confirming same.At 2309Z, I tried QRP at 10W and was confirmed but I'm not sure I'm in our log as a QRP contact. This would be my longest distance QRP contact so you can see how excited I am about getting it confirmed. Have a safe trip home. |
John Rowbotham,ko6ef |
Hi, I hope I made it through, with my antenna not quite up. It was close to 00 hrs. on the 14th, on 17meters. Thank you very much. 73, John |
Todor VK3 FTAB |
Thank you wery much!
Ihope to work you on 80.40.10.m.b. Thenk you for new one.
73\"s : |
Bill KB3LIX |
The FARSE continues.
Nothing on any band in SouthWestern Pennsylvania.
12 days of NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  |
Heath KE5FRF |
Worked you folks on 17 meter phone Sat 14th 1910z. I'm a CW op so that was the first time my PTT has been touched in months. Glad it worked.
Amazing that your SSB signal has been stronger than any CW signals I've heard so far. Get your best CW op on that 17 meter antenna STAT and let some of us peanut whistle stations get in the CW log! LOL  |
Rick, PY1VOY |
It is amazing hoiw condx are too bad to SE PY1. It is incredible how difficult it has been to hear you all day long,  |
Bill W1WAB |
Nice job! Amazed you could pull me out today with my little attic dipole--73--Bill |