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Name Ken
Thanks for the great job on cw especially! Even with your impressive rate, you gave each of us who did get through the positive feedback that our call had been received correctly. It seems so odd now to not hear that \"musical\" stream of cw coming in on those frequencies you manned so ably. Thanks for the thrills you gave to all of us, and have a safe journey home! Until the next time......


Ken, NU4I smile

Name Bob - K2RET
Thanks to all the team members and people who supported this DXPedition. I thank you for the new DXCC Entity on phone and CW. Safe journey home to all.... 73\" de K2RET

Name Mietek SP9NWN
Good Luck to the team, and congratulation for all.
Good expedition, congratulation opereitet.
vy73' Mietek SP9NWN

Name Dan KH6DAN

Great job. Best wishes and 73



Name Pietro Marino IT9ZGY
GREAT DXPETION and SUPER operators specially on CW.
TNX for my 384 country ALL TIMES.
73, Peter - IT9ZGY

Name Dan AI9I
Worked you on Thurs. afternoon using 50w to hamstick on 17 SSB.
N8S was non even moving the needle. Don't know how you heard
me, but good ears. 73

Dan AI9I

Name Handle--Bob; W6KT

Absolutely great DX-pedition; Excellent operators, especially for poor CW ops, such as myself. The repeating of your call sign after each CW QSO especially important for me, as well as confirming my call sign at end of QSO.

Hope you will soon plan another \"adventure\".

Congratulations on a job well done.


Bob W6KT

Name Joseph ik5orp
Many thanks to give me the chance to work my last new one on both of my favourite bands (40 and 20) in cw and ssb.
J wish to all of you a fine coming back home.
Best 73 di Joseph, ik5orp.

Name N0JK
Worked N8S on 17 and 21 MHz April 14th from my mobile at Salina, KS. Great job by the ops. Nice 75M SSB signal on 3.795 this morning. smoke

Name Tom LA1PHA
Tnx for fb dxpedition. Finally got you on 20 and 30m cw today. When will you guys go back?
smoke wink wink
You where heard and worked with K2/100 and butternut HF9V GP from locator JP76BH.
73 !

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