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Name UA0SJ
I`am work tooday 3 bands not info online log CFM.
Good starting.
Good luck!!!!
Best 73!
Yuri / UA0SJ/ from Bratsk city Russia

Name Dule, YU1EA
Mladene, ne preteruj sa pile-up, 350 per hour is enough.

Name Laurence M0LSK

To Hrane and all the gang,

Firstly, well done for landing on Swains safe and sound! I hope the coming days are kind to you and look forward to working you very soon. The bedside alarm is set early here in the UK!

73's and GL,


Name WILF - DJ6TK -
many thanks for a new one on 30m .
I hope to get you also in RTTY and SSB for a new one too.
Best of luck to the whole team,
73 and moin moin from Flensburg,
Wilf - dj6tk -

Name Jim, K8CXM
Fair signals on 30 CW and 17 CW/RTTY. Called about 200 times with no luck. Missed the last operation also. Guess there is some kind of warp between here and Swains. Really tough with 100 watts and wires, but I'll keep trying anyway. Not too confident though. Have fun and be safe.

Name Dave N9HF
Dave N9HF

Name Gary ZL2iFB
Nice one! Good sigs hr of course. Ur 40m CW stn mostly hearing same callers as me but missing some off-frequency callers (filtering too tight?). Am looking fwd to some photos of the island and info on operating locations, supplies etc. GL all. 73 Gary cool

Name Play hunting games
Hello, good site:
Play hunting games [url=http://play-hunting-games.tripod.com/]Play hunting games[/url]

Name Mike K6AER
Nice S9 signal into Colorado this morning. Glad to hear a DX station run enough ERP to be heard. Good operator also.

Name Mike VE3VHB
Sunrise on the East Coast is around 1030Z. Perhaps your low band operations could concentrate on us during this slot rather than work JAs who are just getting dark at this time and who have a much longer window, all their evening in fact, after it's daylight here. Hope there will be lots of CW operation on the low bands. GL!

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