Klaus DL2QB |
Today was my day as I heard you S9 on my groundplane. Seldom happens that Pacific stations are that loud at my antenna in sunspot minimum, normally just above or a bit below noise. So today was MY DAY. Still took me three hours to make it, pile-up exeeded everything I have heard in past years. Almost 30 kHz split up is also e record for me. Good CW operators - a bit fast, but I only had to copy my own callsign and the \"5NN\", hi. |
Congratulations for nice Dxpedition, CW operators are extraordinary fantastic. Many efforts for Europe in all mode A model of Dxpedition. The shadows is the QRM by Policemen and volonteer QRM. Never mind I hope the next one will be .... P5..... ! !with same team THANKS A LOT Alan F6BFH |
On 17mtr (18150) is during the openings mostly a strong carrier...could u be sometimes up/dwn qrv? Thanks
Angel, EA3ALD |
Thanks for a new one. Has been one of the more difficults for me. Very few hours opening in west europe. Please think about W.E. countries too. Thanks, 73,s and good job. angel, ea3ald |
Frane ZL1SLO |
Drago mi je da sam radio 7 bandova iz nove zelande puno vam hvala ,, slusam na 5 magi lsb i na 160m lsb 1.835 ,,,super ste ,, na 17 metara nisam radio cw nego phone ,,,ako mozete korektirati ,, sretan vam uskrs ,,, cao |
Rob Snieder PA2R |
I was happy to hear yesterday that N8S was specifically calling to the Western Part of Europe so also we had a chance to work N8S instead of being behind the European Russian / Southern Eastern European wall. I heard them complaining but they forget they have the band open for hours while we have maybe a workable slot of 1 hour. Please respect the DX-peditions calling preference and at the end everyone can be happy. QRM'ing the DX-pedition only makes the effective opering time shorter and the harder it gets to brak the pile-up.And another thing, don't be a policeman, don't react on people who forget to set their split right, they will find out their selves within very short time. Maybe an expedition should not only assign Pilots but also assign Policemen. I rather hear one short comment up than 100 people all at the same time for minutes long. 73 Rob PA2R |
Michael J. Charteris VK4QS |
April 9th 2007. 6:50 UTC, Contact on 7082/7185// 5x9
Good On Ya Fellas, I christened my H/Brew 40M Vertical & 14 Ground Radials on this Wonderful Contact. It gave me my 86th Country for 40M.
Trust the WX is Fine & Glorious and the Beers are Cold and Plentiful
Hope to work you on the 80M Window down the track Cobber
Cheers Mike, VK4Queen Sugar President Ipswich & District Radio Club |
Olaf DK2LO |
Thank you very much for ufb DXpedition. Sometimes on 17m up QRG is appy Easter!
Olaf DK2LO |
Gordon Tibbits VK4FO |
Thank you and everybody associated with this obviously well planed and executed Dxpedition. You can not possibly imagine the pleasure it's giving operators and listeners all over the globe, and I'm one of them. Thank you. Stay safe. Gordon. |
Franta OK2BUZ |
please try to catch in time SR/SS at middle/west Eu. It's really difficult path through aurora oval from here, so it's really frustration to see when you miss this chance for us.
Thank you very much.