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Name Vitor, PY2NY
One hour spent tonight, working N8S on CW/SSB 15, SSB 10, and CW 12. All time with no more than 100 watts. Call you on 20m with 700w but was impossible to beat USA pile-up. Will try tomorrow... Congratulations and nice pictures from KH8 land.

Name vk7roy roy
great to make the contact with you guys on the 6/4/07 on 20metres,good signal over here in tasmania,best 73s from roy,vk7roy

Name Paul Whitman WQ2N
Hi Guys! Nice to work you on 17/20CW and 20M SSB with low power. You were very light and worked you first call. That was when you just started up! Please try RTTY for East Coast around 2100Z-0200Z as when I hear you best on 20M. Propagation is interesting to 2 land as 4 land stations spot you S9+ and no one around here hears you. Great job so far and hopefully get you on RTTY for 3rd mode!
73's keep the good work up! smile

Name Jame A. Nitzberg
Hi Guys;

OUTSTANDING Job - Unbelievably loud signals and good ears.

N8S makes us feel like we're at the TOP of the sunspot cycle.
Nice signal on 75m SSB well after Sunrise, (Thanks Krassy) and always fun to listen to David run stations on SSB!


Jim Nitzberg WX3B

Name Ron W8ILC
Glad to work you on so many bands,I even got you from my mobile on Sunday.



Name Glen, NA5Z
I never have seen one operation in so many places at once. smile Congratulations on getting such a large operation together and bringing a crew of 1st rate op's. Propogation stinks most of the time, but I bet Swains' Most Wanted ranking takes a tumble anyway. wink

Thanks again for the contacts - I've been off the air since 1992 and got back on and fired up just last month. My station's a lot more \"modest\" than it used to be, so imagine my joy at breaking through.

and Hrane... I don't envy you doing all those cards on top of the 3V8BB pile you have waiting for you! wink

Best of 73's!

Name Jim KI4DH
Hello to ALL, UR doing a GREAT JOB. I was glad to get SWAINS IS., today
on 17 M. Thanks agn for the GREAT` N8S` DXPEDITION!
73`s & GOOD DX

Name Roy Snodgrass/KE5FXE
Thank you for the EXCELLENT operation you folks have set-up! The operators are first rate and are VERY helpful! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! 73!!!!!!!!!!

Name Jacob K4LH
I worked N8S on 17 meters. And I was operating CW mobile! I was surprised that N8S heard me because N8S's signal was rather weak at the time. I have heard N8S on every band from 40 to 15 meters, with 40 meters having a surprisingly strong signal at times. Anyone reading this who has not had a QSO with N8S yet, don't give up! Just about any base antenna is better than a good mobile antenna. You can get good results even without 1000 watts and a big antenna array (I didn't say it is easy...). Of course, it is a lot easier to work DX if you have a minimal station using CW rather than phone. I'm still going to try to get N8S on the other bands.

Name Kenn W5KAP
Thanks for the new one #288!! Great DX Operation

73 de Kenn

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